Secure, compliant
digital currencies
that operate
at scale.

Well-regulated digital currencies, whether at a national or commercial level, can provide significant public benefits, by increasing efficiency and reducing costs for both domestic and international payments systems. They can also play a major role in increasing financial inclusion by helping the hundreds of millions of people – especially in developing countries – to connect to the financial system.

The challenge.

Yet, without proper foundations, such currencies face serious challenges, particularly in the form of privacy and security, standards compliance, transparency, usability and performance at scale. Until these challenges are met, widespread adoption of digital currencies is unlikely.

The solution.

We enable the simple and flexible implementation of a digital currency – a solution which provides the flexibility to support a wide range of use cases reliably, securely, and at the scale necessary for commercial national and international implementation. We facilitate:

  • Central bank digital currency issuance and transactions
  • Tokenised deposits and liabilities issuance and transactions
  • Programmable money

Do you need help with a digital currencies project?

Explore the future.

Governments, financial institutions and enterprises are issuing their own digital currencies. Find out more.

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