Quant Overledger Preview Release 2.0 is the first release on our new architecture and the base for an exciting roadmap of functionality in the gateway and preparing for Overledger Network.
The new Overledger API has been transformed into “One API for everything”, bridging the global ecosystems of DLTs and APIs.
Built upon international standards from ISO TC/307, and our move to OAuth federated authentication standards, Overledger will connect even more enterprise and user communities to the Overledger Network via seamless single sign-on.
This latest release showcases Overledger 2.0’s updated API so that requests and responses are standardised and consistent regardless of the DLT developers and users interact with and the start to move away from SDK dependencies to an API-first scalable platform.
This new approach for Overledger works as a “Universal Translator” for enterprise developers, community developers and users benefiting from using a simple and standard interface to access all supported DLTs and Blockchains. We’re rolling out Preview Release 2.0 connected to Testnet blockchains first, then shortly to Mainnet blockchains in the subsequent releases. Legacy Overledger 1.5 API and SDK with both Testnet and Mainnet connectivity will be maintained until users fully transition to 2.0 by the end of 2021.
Release notes V2.0
Developer Guide for the UI V2.0
Developer Guide for Remote Connector Gateways V2.0
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