Released: 29 November 2023

What’s new

Deprecation of Subscription and Monitoring V2 endpoints.

What this means for you

From today, we will cease to support Subscription and Monitoring V2 endpoints, but you can continue to use them.
The good news is that the webhook V3 endpoints offer the same functionality, are easier to use, and are fully supported.

How you can benefit

You can subscribe to smart contract or account events using webhook V3 API endpoints.

“How do I integrate with the webhook APIs in V3?”

It only requires one step, which is to supply a webhook URL. A webhook URL is an endpoint to which Overledger can post notifications.
The endpoints to create the webhook are:

Once set up, Overledger will send notifications to the specified webhook URL for each smart contract or account event.
For information on how to manage the webhook, see details on the API documentation, or contact us at

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